15 photos   1813 visits

member since 4 May 2011

0 Aye Guys - Im Lia

Hello Guys ! :) I'm Lia :) How are you ? <3 Well yes . MileyCyrus.Bz it's my fan-site :) all & about Miley Cyrus :)(L) I'm here because I wanna new friends :)(L) You guys .. you are amazing .. I think ! ^^ So . I am 14 :> I'm not little :) I'm just .. like you ! :) I hope that you'll want to be my friend bcus I need you'r friendship ! :))

xoxo Lia ! :)
Miiiley (L)
Miiiley (L)
Miiiley (L)
Miiiley (L)
Miiiley (L)
Miiiley (L)

Comments • 1

mileydisney 4 May 2011  
hey lia
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